Sunday, April 13, 2008

Practicality in Dating and Courtship

So many people ask the question of how far is too far when dating, which to one who is serious in the faith, is obviously the wrong question. The right question is what I can do such that I can honor the dignity of myself and the other, as made in the image of God? How can I stay always truthful in my actions?

The shortest answer I've heard in a practical sense, is that neither person should ever become aroused, or something has gone spiritually wrong. Why?

Well, lets look at arousal in its beauty within marital love. What is sexual arousal for a man? It is his body preparing to give a gift, to give up his body for his bride. It is his body preparing to be the initiator. What is sexual arousal for a woman? It is her body preparing to receive her husband's gift, and through fully receiving his gift of his body, giving herself as a gift to him.

This makes it clear then that arousal outside of marital love is a lie of the body. The man's body is telling a lie, because he will not initiate a gift, he will not give himself to the woman. The woman's body is telling a lie, because she will not receive his gift, and will not become a gift back to him.

In dating and courtship, your body must always be speaking the truth, which should be an expression of the truth of your soul.

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