Saturday, May 3, 2008

"Woe to the faint heart, for it has no trust! Therefore it will not be sheltered." --Sirach 2:13

The faint heart cowers before evil. It trembles as it witnesses the darkness of the world, and dares not let its light shine out. Shame on it! Where is your trust, O heart? Trust in the resurrection, the joy of the Lord! For He who is light has come to banish all darkness; He who is Good has conquered evil! You will be given the deepest darkness that His light might shine brighter for you; you will not be kept from evil that you might come to understand what is good! Your trials are to strengthen you, to strengthen your resolve in the Lord. The Resurrection has made all realms tremble, let you tremble no more! Be steadfast in God, trust in Him who is eternally Trustworthy, that you may rest in peace and be a beacon of light.

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