At the core of a woman's being is a mysterious treasure which cries out to be known and loved and found beautiful. This desire is written on her heart by our God as an image of His own heart. It is when she is pursued that she will blossom and pour forth blessings of her love upon her lover, just as God does to those who pursue Him. When she is not loved, she will close and no longer be able to love herself. She must be receiving in order to give. How important for a woman to know God's love! For how often human love falls short!
Men: Pornography, self-satisfaction, adultery; all these things tell the woman that she is not beautiful enough, that she has nothing to reveal you do not already have, that she does not have a gift to give. With this, her womanly heart is destroyed.
Any action which seeks to unveil her before you are her husband does the same thing to her soul. At first she may believe that you are delighting in her as you should--if she loves you, she aches for you to delight in her!-- but in truth you have taken her mystery and treasure from her, and she will soon wilt and grow cold. Do whatever you must to protect her. The most important thing is to show her that she has a mystery and a treasure that she should protect, and teaching her how to own her mystery!
If you have made a mistake, all is not lost. The woman, like God, is only waiting for you to return to her. She craves to be found beautiful in your eyes; so long as you can put it in your past and delight in her unique, infinite treasure before God as her husband, she will open to you again and the warmth will return. If only you would take her coldness as a time to redouble your pursuit, you would find her once again flowering and blooming before you, pouring blessings into your life. Be in awe at God's creation in your wife, and all will be well.
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