The five C's of confession describe true friendship. Confession is when we go to Jesus to apologize for how we have hurt him, and reconcile our friendship with Him.
True friends choose to love each other. Friendship does not just happen to you, just as romantic love does not just happen to you. Though it often begins with an attraction that neither chooses, to become anything it must be a choice that is made. It is a relationship that requires hard work and attention, and that will grow ever deeper as the Lord entwines your lives.
True friends both affirm and challenge each other. When an issue arises, we must remember the five C's of confession:
1. Clear- Do not be vague! Whatever your topic of discussion or comment, be honest and clear in what you are saying. Lay out your heart.
2. Concise- Do not use qualifiers or sugar coat anything. Be direct and open, and do not apologize for who you are or what is in your heart (you must always apologize if you hurt them or if you do something wrong! see point 5).
3. Concrete- Be in the moment and in reality. If they are sick, don't just wish them better, but make them tea or drop by for a visit. If you are discussing an issue, be specific to the instance or experience, not generalized or categorical.
4. Complete- Don't hide anything, and don't leave anything out!
5. Contrite- Be truly sorry for any harm done, and run to repair the friendship as soon as possible. Acknowledge and apologize for what you have done wrong to hurt your friend.
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