In confession, you are not simply reciting your sins to the priest. You are apologizing to Jesus Himself for the ways you have hurt Him, and asking His forgiveness. You are healing the broken or wounded relationship of your closest friend. How important it is to do this often! If you have been in a quarrel with a friend, or have done something to hurt them, you must go to them immediately to ask forgiveness that your friendship may be healed. Otherwise the distance and hurt will grow and grow until you are no longer near enough to be heard.
God loves you even with your sins. His love for you when you leave the confessional is no greater than when you entered. You have gone not to gain His love, but to repair your friendship, that you may once again rest your head upon His breast and be heard and hear without speaking.
The devil will do everything he can to convince you to not go to confession. He will tell you that God will not forgive you, he will tell you that the priest will be horrified and judge you, he will tell you that it is not important to do it so formally... Do not listen to his voice! Go to your Lord, lay your head on His chest and tell Him everything in your heart. He will always forgive you. He is only waiting for you to come to Him!
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