Elijah, having done much work for the Lord, finds his life endangered and hides in a cave. The Lord comes to him and says to him, "What are you doing here, Elijah?" Elijah tells the Lord of his faithfulness, and is honest with the Lord that he is afraid for his life. God commands him "Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the Lord."
There is a tornado, an earthquake, and a great fire, but the Lord comes after these in a "still small voice. And when Elijah heard it, he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and stood at the entrance of the cave." Elijah, paralyzed in his fear, had not even left the back of the cave, but if anything had retreated farther! At the sound of His God, he musters his courage to go to the entrance of the cave. Not exactly the top of the mountain! But it is a step he takes for the Lord. He asks him gently again, "What are you doing here, Elijah?" Elijah repeats what he has already told the Lord, who, because of his honesty, gives him his marching orders: "Go, return on your way to the wilderness of Damascus..."
How kind and merciful is our God! Truly, so long as we give him our everything- even our fear!- He will come to us and lift us up. Upon finding Elijah still in the cave, God does not look at him with disgust nor admonish him, but rather asks him why he has not gone to the top of the mountain as he was asked. Of course our Lord knows that it is out of fear, but he is giving Elijah the chance to give himself once more to the Lord. Elijah responds to God's questioning with another statement of faith, acknowledgment of his own weakness, and a genuine plea for help. God responds with love by giving him directions from where he is.
Model Elijah. Although he had failed to follow through on the Lord's command, he did not try to cover up his failure, nor did he give up hope in the goodness of his God. He remained open and faithful to his Father in heaven, giving him his weaknesses and failures and fears, asking Him for His strength and guidance. God will always give us what we need, if only we are humble and honest with Him!
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