Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Wrestling with God

"He took [his family] and sent them across the stream, and likewise everything that he had. And Jacob was left alone; and a man wrestled with him until the breaking of the day." Genesis 32:23-24

We must remember that when we are challenged by people or situations in our lives, it is not only always allowed by God but often God Himself with whom we are wrestling. This theme is constant through Christ's ministry. God-become-man was constantly troubling those around Him with the things that He said and knew and did. However every time it was to better those with whom He wrestled, to point out to them a fault or weakness and provide them the grace to overcome it.

It is when Jacob is alone that he is challenged to his limits. We are often find ourselves isolated, and it is in those isolated reaches where God will push us and teach us. It may be that we are separated from community, or it may be a retreat into our hearts. Without our usual crutches and distractions, we must admit our weakness and thus begin the journey of accepting His grace and healing. As we grow stronger spiritually, these wrestling matches become training grounds for the world. He teaches us new ways to conquer the enemy. He hones our reactions and intuition. We become bold, like Jacob, in acquiring His blessings.

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