Sunday, October 26, 2008

Complementary Beauty

Christopher West re-states Adam's exclamation upon seeing Eve for the first time: "Look, the beauty that completes me by revealing to me my beauty!"

And how true this is! It is only through interacting with man that woman can come to see her emotions as something beautiful and not a hindrance. It is through woman that man can come to see that his strength is not something of death and domination but of love and protection. It is through man that woman can see the beauty and creativity of her body, and through woman that man can see the beauty and purpose of his body. Too often in our wounded state we instead allow interactions of the opposite sex become oppositional, and in trying to grasp the other sex for ourselves try to make them become like us. How sad! It is exactly in our difference that we are so beautiful and complementary for each other.

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