Rules are binding.
When you are at a stage in your spiritual journey where your soul still attends to the enticements of the devil, where compulsion and passion cause you to sin, then rules which bind you and stay your hand from breaking God's commandments are good. Do whatever you must to keep yourself from sin. If you cannot touch the forbidden fruit without eating it, then you must live by the rule "Do not touch"!
However, once you have gained a degree of self-control, and are no longer a slave to sin, you must abandon your self-made rules! They are good while they bind you from evil, but they nonetheless bind you, and you are not free to attain the heights of holiness. When you are bound you cannot fly to the heavens, soaring on the Eagle's wings.
The Bible is clear that true holiness is living by the Spirit--Who will never direct us to break or contradict God's law! Jesus came not to abolish the law but to fulfill it, by writing it on our hearts with His grace. You are called to something infinitely deeper, infinitely higher, than fear of transgression. You are called to divine union!
Think of the Shepherd and His sheep. In the dark of night, the sheep are penned to keep them from wandering and to protect them from thieves. However, in the morning light, they hearken to the Shepherd's voice which leads them out into the open range of the mountains, where He leads them to green pastures and fresh, clear water. Here in the pristine wilderness of the mountains, guided and guarded by their Shepherd, the sheep grow robust.
If a sheep wanders and becomes lost, the Shepherd will leave the others to search for him, and upon finding him rejoice and return him to His flock. The Good Shepherd knows that in the mountains His sheep are exposed to greater dangers alongside the greater goods; He will always protect them and draw them back to Him when they stray. If a sheep is wounded, no matter how close or far away from the flock, the Shepherd will carry him on His shoulders through the heights until he is well enough to follow again. And after this time of closeness with his Shepherd - hearing His voice, His every breath, feeling the vibrations as He talks - how much better can the sheep recognize and obey His voice in the future!
When you hear the Shepherd's voice calling you, be not afraid! Leave your pen you have built yourself to frolic with Him on the mountain tops. He will never leave you. His grace is sufficient.
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