Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The beauty of the masculine

Men, your strong sexual desires may seem like a thorn in your side, but remember that you were created in His wisdom. How beautiful and essential is your contribution to healing in marriage. For God has granted that even after a fight, even after exhausting days or struggles, that you can look at your beautiful wife and feel the call to union. This drive is essential for you to woo her back, for you to sing to her the Song of songs, that she may come back to you with all her heart and soul and you may experience the healing union of the marital act.

If you were not given this innate knowledge of love, this drive for total union with your wife, how could you initiate the self-giving love which welds the two iron persons into one? It is a drive which ordered properly guides the man to give up himself, to lay down his pride in a disagreement, and to serve his wife. In turn as she is wooed, she too will lay down herself and see past the petty issues to the thing worth fighting for: Love.

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