Consider the Lord's majesty. Consider His power to heal the sick, to part oceans, to place His infinity in the finite bread of the Eucharist. Consider the grandeur of the mountain peaks, the vastness of the oceans, the beautiful delicacy of a tiny flower. Consider the power of nature, of storms, consider the extravagance of the sun's rays glittering on creation. His majesty is infinitely above all of this! Sirach tells us that His mercy is as great as His majesty. His forgiveness and love is vast like the oceans and gives light and warmth after the rains like the sun; except so much more! Trust in the Lord, and let yourself fall into His hands. This is not a trust that believes we will never be hurt, but rather that He is so much greater than pain. He can and will heal us from all our wounds, He can and will fashion beauty from brokenness--every time, always, for eternity.
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