Monday, October 29, 2012

Another's suffering

Mercy is Goodness confronting misery.

When another is suffering, do not simply say "Offer it up." This trite saying is often construed as "Stuff it. I don't want to hear about it."

You cannot know what he suffers.  No two people experience the same situation the same way.  Each event is met in a particular moment of that soul's journey; what can be accepted joyfully by one may be the last crushing blow to another.  This difference is partly one of exterior circumstances, but most acutely of the interior ones.  A soul that is already off kilter can be dealt a death blow by something that hardly tickles another.

Empathy can be helpful for the empathizer, because it helps you to not judge the other harshly. If you have gone through something similar, it is easier for you to react well.  However it is not necessary to the sufferer that you have empathy.  The sufferer needs you to understand what they need, not what they feel.  They need help loving Christ in their pain.  They need help accepting reality.  They need your mercy.  What they need most of all is for you to not judge them in their pain.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Possess your life

Possession of something means having control of it.  How little of our life we possess!  For we have no control over the past, nor the future.  The only piece of our lives we possess is the present moment.  This is why we must take each moment, live it to the full for God, and then let it go in order to grasp the next.  Your will can only act in the present; make use of it!

Monday, October 15, 2012


How much anguish we experience when we do not accept reality.  Consider what is upsetting you in your life right now: do you accept it as God's will, or are you rejecting it?  You can only move forward and find peace if you accept that what is, is.  Perhaps it is a situation which can or will change, perhaps it is something that is here forever.  Either way, the first step to inner peace is acceptance.  God is real; if you do not live in reality, He cannot help you. God is in the present; if you are not living in the present moment, He cannot help you.  It is in the present moment, and present circumstances that God's grace is seeking you.  If you are not there accepting, it will pass you by.  Do not waste your energy wishing a world that doesn't exist.

Monday, October 8, 2012


Your friendships are always deepened by shared experiences.  In fact, many friendships are formed because of these mutual understandings.  Christ wishes to be our very dearest friend; why then does it surprise you that you encounter suffering? He is sharing with you His deepest experience.  Do not be afraid to enter that suffering and go deeper in your friendship with Him.  He will also share with you His resurrection.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Your role

When He calls you to your vocation, He is calling you to a particular piece of Himself.  For Mother Theresa, it was His call of thirst on the Cross.  She was both to satiate and to experience that thirst.  Ask God what He is asking you to live with Him; it will help to make sense of the trials that He sends your way.