It is so important for there to be co-ed discussion of purity and modesty. There must be a deep respect and understanding between the sexes in this area, or both attempts will be lost causes. And what great motivation we can have for each other! For men to have to discuss and admit their struggles both increases their motivation to fight for purity, and motivates the women to help them, especially by attending to modesty. For women to have to discuss and admit and examen their struggles would increase the motivation on both sides to aid and protect each other rather than use each other.
How important for men to know the biology of the woman’s body, which tells so much of her soul! How important for women to know the biology of the man’s body, which tells so much of his soul!
Both the father and mother will need to help their sons and daughters in their struggles. One should never feel like they have no place talking to their child of the opposite sex, or these problems will never be solved. The devil loves to keep things secret and untouchable, because then he is free to do as he likes!