Never forget the age-old advice of making resolutions at the end of your prayer. Without it you will never move forward in the spiritual life, for you will have nothing concrete with which to change, and the devil can convince you of growth when in fact you have gone backwards!
Ask the Lord what He wants you to do. Then do it.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Care first for the person
In the Apostolate, you must care for the person first. You cannot help a soul grow in the virtue if its creaturely needs are not met. You cannot help a soul to grow in the virtue of purity if its body is overtired.
If a person first knows he is loved above all else, then helping him to grow in virtue follows naturally. The help you offer his soul will do nothing but harm if that love can be questioned.
If a person first knows he is loved above all else, then helping him to grow in virtue follows naturally. The help you offer his soul will do nothing but harm if that love can be questioned.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Do what you are doing

Think of Mary in Nazareth, sweeping the floor of her humble house. She does not leave crevices and corners untouched, but methodically, calmly sweeps the entire floor until it is perfectly clean. She is lost in the rhythm of the sweeping, contemplating whatever the Lord desires. Perhaps it is simply watching the dust as it is wisked from the floor by her broom, or perhaps this has drawn her to contemplate higher things.
If you are going to sweep the floor, sweep the floor.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Soiled gift
Soul: "Lord, You have given me everything--I can only give You what You have given me... but why must I always soil it first?"
Lion: "What does it matter? I gave you My mother."
Whenever there is a stain on anything, I immediately call my mother for directions to remove it--or better yet, give it to her to clean! No one can remove stains to make it like new as my mother can.
How much more so our Mother in heaven with our souls?
Lion: "What does it matter? I gave you My mother."
Whenever there is a stain on anything, I immediately call my mother for directions to remove it--or better yet, give it to her to clean! No one can remove stains to make it like new as my mother can.
How much more so our Mother in heaven with our souls?
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Jesus center stage
Follow Mary's example in always pushing Jesus to center stage. Mary is always saying her Magnificat and redirecting all attention and praise to her Son and Lord.
This is especially important in the apostolate. Others will be drawn to you because they see Christ in you, but if you are not careful they will attach themselves to you rather than Him. Our job is not to be the answer men and women for the world, but rather to lead them to the answer: Jesus.
This is especially important in the apostolate. Others will be drawn to you because they see Christ in you, but if you are not careful they will attach themselves to you rather than Him. Our job is not to be the answer men and women for the world, but rather to lead them to the answer: Jesus.
Friday, December 25, 2009
The Word

The Word was made flesh...
Jesus is God's Word. Therefore everything that He wishes to tell us is in His Son. Whatever you wish to ask God, look to Jesus, His eternal Word. Look at His life, His works, His death. Here you will find everything you need to know from God. You will know Truth, Mercy, Humility and Love.
How well Mary knew God! She carried Him in her womb, she gazed upon His face and listened to His actions and words His whole life through. Let us learn from Mary!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Selfish beloved
How selfish is the beloved if she desires to be loved because she is perfect! If she denies her lover because she is with blemish!
For a true lover will love her with her blemish and can make her spotless once more.
O self-love, how many lives do you have? You are worse than a bad penny.
For a true lover will love her with her blemish and can make her spotless once more.
O self-love, how many lives do you have? You are worse than a bad penny.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Arise Holy Spirit!
When you are darkened and can no longer find your voice to sing praise to your God, call into your depths:
Arise Holy Spirit!
Arise within me to praise my God, for He has done wondrous deeds!
Remove from me this darkness through song and dance for my Lord!
Arise Holy Spirit!
Arise within me to praise my God, for He has done wondrous deeds!
Remove from me this darkness through song and dance for my Lord!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
He is not disgusted
God never looks upon you with disgust. When you turn away from Him, His only thought is 'If only I can bring her back.' How His heart longs for you! He desires to draw you to Himself again. He will not hold you at a distance.
When you are sick, often others will keep at a distance so that they will not be contaminated. God will never do this to your sick soul. He is the Physician, He is your Father. If only you will let Him, He will take you to Himself to care for you and heal you. Nothing you do can disgust Him. He will clean any wound, no matter where it is or how infested it is. Give yourself back to Him, and do not be embarrassed by anything. He already knows and sees all. Let Him heal it.
When you are sick, often others will keep at a distance so that they will not be contaminated. God will never do this to your sick soul. He is the Physician, He is your Father. If only you will let Him, He will take you to Himself to care for you and heal you. Nothing you do can disgust Him. He will clean any wound, no matter where it is or how infested it is. Give yourself back to Him, and do not be embarrassed by anything. He already knows and sees all. Let Him heal it.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Salt and wound
"You are the salt of the earth" --Matthew 5:13
Salt, when used to dress a wound, will kill any infection and allow for healthy healing. But O how it stings! The bigger and deeper and more infected the wound, the more it will sting. Do not forget this, as you go out into the world. The greater the wound and the more it festers, the more your truth and love will bite! But also do not forget that this is a sign that it is working to cleanse the wound and will allow it to heal well. You are being applied by the hands of the Great Physician.
Salt, when used to dress a wound, will kill any infection and allow for healthy healing. But O how it stings! The bigger and deeper and more infected the wound, the more it will sting. Do not forget this, as you go out into the world. The greater the wound and the more it festers, the more your truth and love will bite! But also do not forget that this is a sign that it is working to cleanse the wound and will allow it to heal well. You are being applied by the hands of the Great Physician.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
"You are the salt of the earth" --Matthew 5:13
Salt does not simply add its own flavor to a food, but instead draws out the goodness of the food upon which it is placed. So we must be to the world. We are not to overtake it with ourselves, but rather to draw out its goodness in which the Lord created it.
Salt does not simply add its own flavor to a food, but instead draws out the goodness of the food upon which it is placed. So we must be to the world. We are not to overtake it with ourselves, but rather to draw out its goodness in which the Lord created it.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Salt of the earth

"You are the salt of the earth; but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trodden under foot by men." --Matthew 5:13
You have chosen anxiety and stress over the peace and love of the Lord--no wonder you have lost your joy! And if you have lost your taste, then you are fit for nothing but dust in the streets.
Return to your Lord and enter into His peace, that you may be filled with joy and once more be the salt of the earth.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Grace performs the extraordinary
Do you believe that it is extraordinary that you have fallen from grace? You are upset that you have sinned.
It is not extraordinary to do evil, but extraordinary to do good and walk in the ways of our Lord. By ourselves, we can do evil, but it is through His grace that we do good.
It is not extraordinary to do evil, but extraordinary to do good and walk in the ways of our Lord. By ourselves, we can do evil, but it is through His grace that we do good.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
God wants to be needed
Like any parent, God desires to be needed. He wants you to ask for things, and He wants to provide them for you. He is waiting for you to come to Him for advice! He is waiting to give you the graces you need. All you must do is humble yourself to approach Him-- and admit that He was right all along!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Interior inspirations

The interior inspirations of the Holy Spirit touch a soul much deeper than the level of the senses. Once you learn this, you will no longer be led astray by the demons that plague you. Become familiar with the depths of your soul, and come to know the Holy Spirit, Who resides there. You must develop a sixth sense, the sense of your soul.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Lord, one word from You and I would never fall
Lord, one word from You and I would never fall the rest of my life; I would be without blemish.
Jesus is the Word which God has spoken. We will be without blemish. To the cross!
Jesus is the Word which God has spoken. We will be without blemish. To the cross!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Are you hiding?
"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." --Matthew 5:16
Are you hiding, little soul, because you feel you have shamed your Father in heaven and no longer deserve to shine? Come forth! If you do not let your light shine before men, they cannot give glory to your Father, and shame be upon your head!
Are you hiding, little soul, because you feel you have shamed your Father in heaven and no longer deserve to shine? Come forth! If you do not let your light shine before men, they cannot give glory to your Father, and shame be upon your head!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Hidden Lamp
"You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hid. Nor do men light a lamp and put it under a bushel, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house." --Matthew 5:14-15
Little soul, do not hide your light from the world. Let your peace and joy shine forth! It is foolish to hide it behind the worries of the world.
Little soul, do not hide your light from the world. Let your peace and joy shine forth! It is foolish to hide it behind the worries of the world.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Holiness is simple
"Let what you say be simply 'yes' or 'no;' anything more than this comes from evil." --Matthew 5:37
If in your examination of conscience you find a situation complicated, then it is not of God. Ask yourself, is this 'yes' or 'no'? And leave it at that. Qualifiers are a sign of rationalization, which is always from the devil.
If in your examination of conscience you find a situation complicated, then it is not of God. Ask yourself, is this 'yes' or 'no'? And leave it at that. Qualifiers are a sign of rationalization, which is always from the devil.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Fall to your level

God permits us to fall, that we may remember how low we are--so close to the dirt! How easy to forget this, to begin to imagine we are angelic and worthy of heaven when we fix our gaze on heaven and the stars. At the moment of each fall, our God reminds us of our stature, that we may live in the humility that will gain us heaven. For only if we are humble and relying on His grace may we be His bride without blemish!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Life is eternal
This life is a part of our eternal life-- it is a stage of our never-ending journey. Do not be so short sighted! Look to your eternal future, and love your Lord with Whom you will be forever.
You are living your eternal life.
You are living your eternal life.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
The key to purity

You say you wish to be pure, but you do not know how.
Pray to Mary. Say three Hail Marys a day for purity of mind, body and soul. The power of this practice, the generosity with which she will respond to those who do it with total devotion and faith will astonish you.
Do not think that you will not still fall, or that you will never again struggle. But the grace with which you will be surrounded will protect you from yourself, and you will fully appreciate what she has done for you when you reach heaven.
My purity throughout my life has direct correlation to my faithfulness to this devotion.
Monday, December 7, 2009
When temptation begins

You must resist temptations and reject the voice of the devil the moment it begins. The longer you delay the weaker you become and the stronger it becomes, for it has gained a foothold in your soul.
If the devil knocks and you open the door, then immediately slam the door back in his face. Preferably, look through the peephole to see who is knocking, and bolt the door should you see it is him! If you let him into your home and hear him out, you will have to fight him in hand-to-hand combat to throw him out, and you likely will not succeed.
Always appeal to your God for His mercy, that He will rescue you from your enemy. But if you have let the enemy into your home, then you have acquiesced to the devil and may have closed your heart to God. If you have reached a point where your heart was given to the devil and his temptations, then it may not be open to receive God's grace when you finally call to Him.
How much better to never open the door!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
True prayer
You have fallen again? Good. God is teaching you to pray. He wants for you true prayer, not the prayer of the hypocrites. He will allow you to fall in order to keep your prayer, which is your relationship with Him, pure. He wants to give you prayer that seeks Him and knows your deep need for Him. You must know you are nothing, or He cannot give you everything.
Saturday, December 5, 2009

The point of a water filter is to remove imperfections. We must have a filter on our hearts and minds and body to remove impurities.
Filters take time. If you would like a glass of water you must wait for the water to drip through the filter before you can pour it and drink it. Likewise, it will take time, effort and waiting to allow the movements of our hearts and minds and bodies to be filtered before we pour them and enjoy them. Do not become lazy! Or you will contaminate yourselves and your love with impurities.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Your vocation is to love God with all your heart, all your mind, and all your soul.
'But I cannot!' you say.
Little soul, this is your vocation- it will be the journey of your life, which cannot begin in earnest until you have taken your vows. You must spend your time when you are single asking God which path He is asking you walk to unite with Him.
If you have been chosen for marriage, then it is through your spouse that God will teach you. If you are masculine, you will learn to give completely, selflessly and without reserve to your wife, and thus to God. If you are feminine, it is through your husband's love that you will learn to open and receive completely, selflessly, and without reserve to conceive and bear forth life. Through learning to give he will be able to receive, and through learning to receive she will be able to give.
If you are one of the few chosen souls, God Himself will teach you. Through the special graces received in the Holy Orders, God will teach the masculine soul to give of himself completely, selflessly, without reserve, to lay down his life for Him. God will teach the feminine soul to open and receive completely, selflessly, and without reserve His divine life within.
'But I cannot!' you say.
Little soul, this is your vocation- it will be the journey of your life, which cannot begin in earnest until you have taken your vows. You must spend your time when you are single asking God which path He is asking you walk to unite with Him.
If you have been chosen for marriage, then it is through your spouse that God will teach you. If you are masculine, you will learn to give completely, selflessly and without reserve to your wife, and thus to God. If you are feminine, it is through your husband's love that you will learn to open and receive completely, selflessly, and without reserve to conceive and bear forth life. Through learning to give he will be able to receive, and through learning to receive she will be able to give.
If you are one of the few chosen souls, God Himself will teach you. Through the special graces received in the Holy Orders, God will teach the masculine soul to give of himself completely, selflessly, without reserve, to lay down his life for Him. God will teach the feminine soul to open and receive completely, selflessly, and without reserve His divine life within.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Engaged spirituality
Once you are engaged, you must allow God to bring closure to your single life and enter preparation to be a spouse and parent. Ask Him to transform your relationship with Him, that you may enter smoothly into your vocation upon taking your vows.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Your enemy at your feet
"In this kind of battle, the victory will be won by him who has the courage not to throw down his arms or put aside his confidence in God. His assistance is always present for those that fight His battles, though He may sometimes permit them to be wounded. Persevere to the end. Victory depends on this. There is a swift and effective remedy for the wounds of anyone who fights for God's cause and who places his entire trust in Him. When he least expects it, he will see his enemy at his feet." --Dom Lorenzo Scupoli
No matter your wounds, no matter the frenzy of battle, do not lose your confidence in your Commander. He will send reinforcements and subdue your enemy.
When we reach heaven, how glorious to see the battle wounds of the saints!
No matter your wounds, no matter the frenzy of battle, do not lose your confidence in your Commander. He will send reinforcements and subdue your enemy.
When we reach heaven, how glorious to see the battle wounds of the saints!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Purity does not remove vulnerability
Purity's purpose is not to avoid vulnerability. The purpose of purity to give of yourself totally to another and receive another totally, that you may see God.
Saving your body for your spouse is not about withdrawing or barricading your heart. You are not loving with a pure heart if you are not vulnerable to the other. You cannot love another while thinking selfishly. If his hands start to wander, do not be an ice queen and coldly brush them away. Take his hands in yours and hold them. If your hands want to wander, take his hands and hold them. Your striving to be pure and chaste must come from loving the other, from a yes to unveiling yourself completely to your husband on your wedding night, to him giving of himself totally to his wife on his wedding night.
Saving your body for your spouse is not about withdrawing or barricading your heart. You are not loving with a pure heart if you are not vulnerable to the other. You cannot love another while thinking selfishly. If his hands start to wander, do not be an ice queen and coldly brush them away. Take his hands in yours and hold them. If your hands want to wander, take his hands and hold them. Your striving to be pure and chaste must come from loving the other, from a yes to unveiling yourself completely to your husband on your wedding night, to him giving of himself totally to his wife on his wedding night.
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