We are always asking God big questions. What is my purpose in life? What is my vocation? Is this the person I'm supposed to marry?
Suppose for a moment that God gave you the answer. The BIG answer you have been waiting for. Peace for a split second-- then, suddenly... But what's the next step God? How do I get there? When should I do that? What comes in between? And we realize that the little questions and little answers are much more important than the big ones.
God already knows this, which is why He rarely gives big answers. He gives us little tiny answers of what comes now, and what comes next. He gives us slightly larger answers when they are necessary for us to fulfill His plan. And all the little answers add up to the big answer that we were looking for.
When a person tells you to do something, you want to know why. You ask the big question because there is possibly a better way of accomplishing the same goal. However this is never the case with God. His is always the best way, and He will tell it to you one little step at a time, until you have reached His goal. In fact, if we try to come up with our own way to reach His goal, we can be assured it is not a better way! Often we would not even be able to understand the big answer without already knowing the little answers, because we do not think as God does.
God has already answered the biggest question we have with His Son. He loves us, and wants to redeem us so that we can be united with Him for eternity. Everything in between is little. The journey requires us to ask little questions and gain little answers so that we can fulfill God's plan for us on earth and be united to Him for eternity in heaven.