We spend so much time trying to come up with the right words for our prayer. We agonize over what to ask for, how to ask for it, what we could possibly say to express our gratitude, our love, our agony. We worry when we have dry spells and simply cannot come up with any words at all.
How silly we are! Truly we need no words to communicate with our Father in Heaven. He knows all that we feel, all that we experience, and all that we need better than we ever will. A prayer is a sigh to heaven; it is a complete surrender to God. It is a heart placed upon the operating table, content to be operated on and healed without ever knowing what took place unless the Surgeon deems it necessary to ensure the continued health of that heart.
Prayer is time. Time given to our Lord that He may make us His. It is time when we place ourselves within His fold, to be counted as one of His sheep. It is time when the wounded lamb comes before the shepherd to be carried until he is once again healthy enough to walk. Words are never necessary for prayer. Only a complete surrender of the heart and mind to God.
"Be still, and know that I am God." --Psalm 46:10